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Take Care Of One Another
By Kathryn Meloy

Welcome everyone to our humble abode we call, The Heart Rock Ranch. My name is Kathryn Meloy, and this is my wonderful husband, Glen.


Today we are here to help support Operation Phantom Support and The Small Town Turtles, ya’ll will hear from them in just a bit. We are so excited to be holding our second Giving Heart Music Series. I see a few return Heart Rock Ranchers out there. If I counted right, I think there are 16 returnees… I guess that means ya’ll had fun last time. Thanks so much for your friendship and support!


For those of you who are new, Glen and I moved here two years ago from Round Rock. We knew we wanted to do something special here, soooo last March we had our very first Giving Heart Music Series. Our goal was to have 40 attendees, we had 42! WhooHoo! The event was small, but a big success in our eyes. It helped support our first musician Michael Ingalls and Angel Wings Ranch charity. Michael is here with us today to support his music peers and this great cause. We are glad you and gal Roxanne came out to play in a different way.


For this event, we set a goal of 60 attendees. We felt by increasing the capacity and minimum donation it would help put a little bit more change in the charities and musicians’ pockets. This goal seemed ambitious considering we don’t know very many people here yet, so we bravely turned to the public. If you are one of those people we randomly met out and about, thank you for trusting us to be a part of this. I know it’s hard to trust people these days and I hope today inspires you to keep trusting your heart.


Did you guys know that the Texas Government Music Office announced the city of Salado had completed a multi-step certification program and became a designated Music Friendly Community? This state program fosters economic development and supports music venues, musicians, and communities. We look forward to helping support our local musicians in this vibrant musical community! 


I must admit there is a lot that goes into planning these grassroots events, but hey, Glen loves practicing music, and I…well...I like to work! Glen even wrote a song about me, and my work ethic called “A new kind of date” that some of you know as the Home Depot song.


I just want to say, not everybody has to set their eyes on such ambitious goals as we have. I would like to encourage each of you to come up with one small goal today that you feel would positively impact your community.

It could be something like helping an elderly man who just walked out of HEB that looks lost because he forgot where he parked. Make the journey with him in finding it. You might learn something about him, life, or yourself. We’ve all been there before.


Maybe your goal could be getting better at calling our friends or family in a timely manner or just call to tell them you love them. You know, my friend Tammy actually called me about a month ago to just tell me how much she appreciates our friendship, and it meant the world to me. That kind of call can really lift people’s spirits.


Perhaps the goal could be as simple as getting up a little earlier to write down things we are thankful for. Even when life seems upside down at times there is always something to find gratitude in. For instance, seeing a beautiful sunrise, being able to work with your hands, or having the ability to tune out my speech…HA! OK, for those who laughed, thank you for listening to me, for those who didn’t, they’re just exercising that ability now. (tough crowd).


My Mother In Law is fantastic about expressing gratitude every day. She actually flew in from Maryland last night for this event!! Stand Up Catherine! Ya’ll want to know something funny? Both of are names are Kathryn Meloy, but she spelled hers wrong, LOL that’s ok, but how cool is that to have the same name!!


Interestingly enough, the goals I have mentioned have a lot to do with just slowing down. I feel we are living in such a fast-paced world that we often lose sight of what’s important, which is taking care of one another. Helping each other find our way. I guess what I’m trying to say is we should all do our best to brighten the day of everyone we meet and know and leave them in a better place than we found them.


Speaking about goals, let’s get this show on the road shall we! Let’s put our hands together for your HOST Glen Meloy!

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