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About The Meloys Heart Rock Ranch

Written by Kat


Throughout our lives we see people who make a big difference in the world such as Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, & Elon Musk, the list goes on and on. Let's face it, most of us will not leave a legacy behind like these folks have. This might have you asking yourself what legacy you will leave behind, "What is my purpose in life?"


Years ago, I asked myself that very same question, after all, I didn't invent electricity or the autonomous car. However, instead of asking "What is my purpose in life?" (That was too big), I asked "How can I add purpose to my life?". I pondered what I had to offer the world. The answer was plain and simple, LOVE Then I asked, what makes the way I LOVEdifferent? I think my mom summed it up best. She said, "Kat, you never have allowed your heart to become jaded. You got up, dusted yourself off and loved like your heart was never broken." She was right! Unconditional, unjaded love is my superpower! I never allowed my past pain to dictate my future, alter my core being, or stop seeking the best qualities in people. 


Now that I knew my superpower, I pondered how could I express LOVE to more people than my small core friends and family. I knew in my heart this world needs one giant cuddle!


In 2018, I had an epiphany to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and become the vehicle! You know the old saying... "Jesus take the wheel", well that's what I did. I relinquished all control and sat back to enjoy the ride to my own destiny that God has planned for me. WOW! My life changed drastically! Since then, my biggest prayer was answered! I met the most wonderful, sweet, loving man to share my life and heart with, Glen Meloy.


We both had been searching for our true companion for 20 plus years. I find it interesting that when we both decided to stop "driving", that's when we collided into each other. Funny thing is, we have lived within 20 miles from each other for most of our lives without knowing it, even when we moved to different cities! This was not a coincidence, it was fate! 


In 2006, I moved from DFW to Round Rock, (guess who moved to the area that same year?) Glen and I met sailing on lake Travis. We were mere acquaints for many years through a sailing club. In 2018, we dated, in 2019 engaged, and in 2020 we married during the peak of COVID 19! In 2021, during one of the most stressful housing markets, we bought this house! It needed lots of TLC! On closing day, we both knew "something bigger than us" was going to happen here.


So why the name "The Heart Rock Ranch" 


I always collected heart shaped rocks since I was five. I have continued to find them (or they found me), throughout my travels in 38 states and two countries. When we began working on the property, we found lots of heart shaped rocks and fossils! This isn't the only reason we named our house The Heart Rock Ranch. The foundation of our Hearts and marriage is rock solid with God being the center. I know all this sounds sappy, but it's a LOVE story, it's our LOVE story.


One of the many things we have in common is a passion for music. Music carried me through many challenging times in my life and became instrumental to me. I have appreciation for all genres and have dabbled in playing percussion instruments, such as the piano, congas, digeridoo, goblet drum and tambourine. I have attended countless concerts!


Glen, being the studious type, has enjoyed learning music throughout his life. He sang baritone in high school choir, taught himself how to play guitar at age 15, and also played the piano, violin, Banjo, drums and most recently the bass guitar.


In 2022, I had the idea to plan our first "Giving Heart Music Series" to help local musicians and charitiesThe planning went so smoothly! We found our first musician (who wanted to do something philanthropic). We set the date for March 11th of 2023 and were blessed with perfect weather! Wonderful people came out of nowhere to offer help and services. It was obvious this event was something we are being called to do!


Is this event the "something bigger than us?" We aren't sure but we are enjoying the ride! 



Kat & Glen 

Don't be shy, reach out and say hi!

We are always looking for musicians and charities to support for future events.

Follow us on facebook to stay in tune with our events!

  • Meloys Heart Rock Ranch
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